FVCK THE FED is an attempt to be critical. It is a search for fact, truth, and clear thinking in financial markets & the world today. Our goal is to combat the seemingly endless stream of lies and fake news that the mainstream financial media publishes. We try to keep you informed through a critical lens.

Get Clear Facts

Has mainstream financial media & financial media lied or misled you? We certainly feel lied to by the mainstream financial media. Increasingly, the media acts as the megaphone for the government–and as we’ve seen, the government (and by virtue of that, the media) frequently lies and propagates mis- & disinformation. This newsletter will be focused on combating the intentionally false narratives that come out of the mainstream financial media by separating facts from fictions, earnest hypotheses from conspiracies, genuine opinions from nonsensical dreams.

Informed Opinions

Do you want to learn more about the federal reserve, economy, and markets? Our goal is to offer readers a factual and digestible publication on topics which are quite complex, such as the Fed or markets. We will comment on all sorts of topics, from congressional insider trading to the fed & government’s ponzi-scheme to portfolio ideas & occasional stock ideas.


We are by nature heterodox thinkers. You may find your opinions and biases challenged. Ultimately, we hope to provide readers with clear means of evaluating ideas and forming informed & fact-based opinions.

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We cover the federal reserve, US Government, and financial markets.